Tuesday, November 4, 2014

"Guys," Part 1: That Guy in Your Locker

Hey Beautiful!

This first post in a series on "Guys" is all about guys you don't know personally.

Yeah, that guy you see whenever you open your locker to get books for your next class, or when you're at home and go in your room, or . . . well, the possibilities are endless.

I'm talking about posters and photos of celebrities that we place in strategic places to ogle whenever we have a chance.

I'll be the first to admit I liked those posters when I was a young lady.  Different faces than what you probably have hanging up somewhere, but they were popular at the time.  My sis and I had Michael Jackson posters all over our room, on walls and closet doors, and smaller photos we cut out of magazines were stuck to our headboards, mirror frame, and dresser drawers.  Oh, I should probably explain, since you may be too young to know this, but MJ was super cute in his PPS (Pre-Plastic Surgery) days.  Things got really out of hand for him, poor guy.

I eventually grew out of that phase, got married, and left MJ's images behind (probably not to my younger sisters, who were aware he no longer had a human nose and had moved on to New Kids On The Block).  I don't remember it being a conscious decision I made to stop staring at gorgeous celebrities' photos.  The practice just didn't interest me anymore.

It wasn't until several years ago, as I looked back on those years, that it occurred to me that I had been practicing idolatry.  Now, please hear me out before clicking away from me here!

It's always wise and necessary to diligently obey God.  But we don't want to go too far and be legalistic.  So, I don't have the knowledge to declare that there's never an appropriate use of celebrity photos/posters.  If a photo just makes you smile and there's nothing morally wrong with it, then so be it.

But I would guess that many young ladies are more like I was and spend a lot of time staring at the faces of guys who will never be acquaintances, let alone friends, boyfriends, or husbands.

The truth is that we have no idea what the guys in the photos are like.  Photos are everywhere, but they're not always accurate.  They tell only a fraction of a second of a whole story, and they can be manipulated at that.

Things we read about celebrities are not always true, even when they're written by the guy himself.  Again, Twitter is such a brief snippet of someone's whole life.  There's often much hidden in the shadows that will never see the light of the Twittery bird's sun, at least not if the person can help it.

To spend too much time focusing on a face, dreaming of standing beside or kissing or marrying that face is a waste of time.  And it's making an idol, something we focus on more than God, of an image.

Maybe you don't have posters/photos hanging in your locker or your room, but photos are readily available on your computer, your phone, your tablet, etc.

I'm not going to tell you to tear down your posters or delete all your photos of stunningly handsome celebrities.  That's a choice you need to make (or not) on your own (and with parental guidance if you're still under their authority), prayerfully, following the Lord's leading.  But I would encourage you to ask yourself the following questions as you decide:

Am I willing to be honest with myself and with God as I think about the answers to these questions? (There's no use in going any further down the list if you're just planning to justify what you want to do, is there?)

Can I look at this photo for a second and then move on with my day without dwelling on it?

Does this photo cause my mind to wander places it shouldn't?

Do I daydream about this person more than I think about and talk to God?

Does this photo contain anything unwholesome or convey unwholesome attitudes?

Do I waste time staring at this photo?

So, the Bible doesn't say anything like, "Thou shalt not look at photos of celebrities," but it says a lot about idolatry (placing anything in priority over God and His will) and being careful to guard our thoughts.  (Colossians 3:5; 1 Corinthians 10:14;  Romans 12:2; Philippians 4:8; Isaiah 26:3)

Something worth considering!

Inner Beauty Nugget:

Outer Beauty Hint:
Keep your space clean and organized, so you have a place to feel relaxed and peaceful.  This can even help you sleep better!  Here's a video with some hints:

Smile! :)

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